Medicinal and teacher plants

I use a variety of medicinal and teacher plants - plants that operate on the energetic level as well as having medicinal plant proprieties.

The main ones are described below:

- Cleansing and strenghtening with the plant of tobacco

Cleansing session of the tradition from northen amazon with a tradition reaching over 3,000 years. The session consists of cleansing by provoked vomit with a tea made ofthe tobacco plant, known as Tabaco Mapacho. Ancestraly used togive strenght and mental clarity.

This session is ideal for:
* cleansing the body from toxins in general
* reducing anxiety and bringing calmness
* reducing / eliminating auto-destructive habbits (mainly addiction to tabacco)
* fears and psico-emotional blockages removal
* lung capacity improvemet
* blood presure, blood oxigen levels and heart beat issues improvement

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Rapé - Sacred Tobacco Powder

Tradition of the indigenous indians from nothern amazon forest.
A powder made of tobacco leaves and other medicinal plants is blown into the nose of the patient through a bamboo pipe.

The efects are immediate and highly effective as the powder goes directly into the brain of the patient removing directly causes of ilnesses.


Tea made from the flowe is used to re-sencronize female`s menstrual cycle with the fases of the Moon.
In the natural order ovulation occurs on Fool Moon and menstruation occurs on New Moon.

The session consists of cleansing by provoked vomit, of a duration of 1hs roughly.